Friday 24 June 2011

Never pay for an exhibition stand again

I was at a WPP Dig­i­tal Day last month and one of the pre­sen­ters was King Yiu Chu from Layar. He took us through some great exam­ples of Aug­mented Real­ity and how it can be applied to our mar­ket­ing efforts.

One case study was the Unin­vited DIY Exhi­bi­tion at MoMA New York, where vis­i­tors to the art gallery were able to see a num­ber of addi­tional “unof­fi­cial” exhibits through their iPhone and Android hand­sets. A nice way of blur­ring the lines between phys­i­cal and vir­tual environments.

Well, this got me think­ing. The price of a stand at CeBIT or Mobile World Con­gress will cost many thou­sands of pounds. So, why not geo-tag an area in the event e.g. meet­ing zones, and set-up a vir­tual exhi­bi­tion stand. Just have some com­pany rep­re­sen­ta­tive man­ning the area, hand out some fly­ers with the loca­tion of the stand and a QR code to down­load your Layar plug-in. And, you’re good to go. A nice guer­rilla way to get some stand-out and save lots of money.

Image cour­tesy of Layar

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