Thursday 4 November 2010

POWNAR - the power of news and recommendation

CNN have cer­tainly pushed the bound­aries when it comes to explor­ing the power of rec­om­men­da­tion and the value of shared con­tent. Their global research ini­tia­tive Pow­nar, illus­trates why peo­ple share con­tent, how they share it and the type of con­tent they pre­fer to share. In the US and Europe, peo­ple tend to share con­tent for altru­is­tic rea­sons, whereas in Asia, shar­ing con­tent is more about broad­cast­ing your sta­tus. As you might sus­pect, arti­cles with embed­ded video and images are most likely to be shared. And, Face­book is the pri­mary plat­form used for sharing.

Most inter­est­ing from the research is the effect that shar­ing has on the per­son who is shar­ing the con­tent and those receiv­ing it. Peo­ple are 3.7 times more engaged with con­tent that has been rec­om­mended. And, those who share the con­tent are 2 times more engaged.

There’s also an inter­est­ing uplift in brand met­rics. Shared con­tent increases brand con­sid­er­a­tion by 12%, brand rec­om­men­da­tion by 19% and brand favoura­bil­ity by an astound­ing 19%.

The key actions to take from this research are to assess your con­tent to ensure it’s opti­mised for rec­om­men­da­tion and make it share­able. And, find a lady in Paris to be your indi­vid­ual broadcaster…

Take a look at the attached press release to under­stand how semi­otics, con­tent arche­types and bio­met­rics can be used to under­stand the effect that shared con­tent can have on your brand.

CNNI POWNAR — the power of news and recommendation

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